HEMPEARTH – The Aztec God Magic Mushroom Strain

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What are Aztec God Mushroom strains? 

The Aztec God magic mushroom variety originated in Central America, where the ancient Aztec civilization existed for thousands of years. It is well documented that the Aztecs intentionally consumed these mushrooms, and that they were well aware of the profound spiritual state of consciousness that they would encounter upon consuming them. This is evidenced by many forms of Aztec art, and Aztec nomenclature. The Aztecs even had a word for magic mushrooms – Teonanácatl – which translates to “Flesh of the Gods”.

Aztec God typically produces larger than average sized mushrooms. They have thick stems that are yellowish-white in colour, and medium sized caps that range from golden-brown to chestnut brown in colour. Sporulation is moderate and spores are dark purple to black in colour.

Aztec God mushroom has a moderate potency. It often elicits spiritual and mystical experiences, along with feelings of peace, relaxation, and deep connection to others, nature, and your surroundings. This variety along with Huautla, Mazatepec, are the best choices for a therapeutic or medicinal application.

History and relevance in religious ceremonies

Aztec God psilocybin mushrooms were first reported by a French mycologist who discovered and studied them in 1956 in the Popocatepetl Mountains in Mexico. Before his discovery, anecdotal evidence shows the possible use of the Aztec God mushroom in Aztec religious activities. 

Its effect was mostly linked to the activities of Xochipilli (the god of flowers), whose statue represents the ecstatic state of hallucinogenic plants. The statue features a dilated pupil, suggesting the effect of psychedelic mushrooms. 

Aztec God Mushrooms are often described as “the flesh of the gods” since they allow users to communicate with the gods and see their environment in a new dimension. There are also pieces of evidence from cave paintings, statues, and exploration reports from European explorers that show these mushrooms’ importance to Aztec religious ceremonies. 

The Aztecs have a long history of utilizing several plants and animals within their society. These plants form a large part of their medicine and religious rituals. Aztec God mushrooms were an important part of these gatherings. Reports show that Aztecs would take psilocybin mushrooms at festivals or during large religious gatherings since it helped them to communicate with their gods. The shrooms are considered sacred since obtaining them is a herculean task, often requiring all-night searches. During the festivals, psilocybin mushrooms are consumed with chocolates and honey for an improved experience. 

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Aztecs are often required to fast before eating the sacred flesh of the gods. This is an age-long tradition in many cultures since fasting is considered a way of purging oneself from every weight that may affect the overall outcome of religious activities. Eating mushrooms during Aztec festivals was known as mushrooming oneself or monanacahuia. 

Aztec God mushroom strains are highly sought after in Aztec communities. The mushrooms live up to their name since they are potent and have an affinity for inducing spiritual visions during the experience. 

Aztec God mushrooms are great for beginners and microdosing. When taken in high doses, their intense effects can trigger long trips. 

Psilocybin opens the third eye by deactivating sensory gating. This allows our brain to convert more stimuli and allows us to see beyond our natural environment. Psilocybin trips are common with an improved sense of smell and sight.

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