HEMPEARTH – LSD: Everything You Should Know

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20240105 184240

LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide) was first synthesized by Albert Hofmann (1906-2008) in 1938. However it wasn’t until April 19th, 1943, as the first to ingest LSD, that he discovered its psychoactive properties.
LSD is a synthetic psychedelic compound, unlike naturally-occurring psychedelic compounds like psilocybin and psilocin.
It was the twenty-fifth derivative he synthesized from the ergot fungus, hence its more proper name, LSD-25.

LSD can be used for self-introspection, as a tool of consciousness expansion, and it can also be used to have a really great time.

LSD is the most potent psychedelic agent in humans

It belongs to the ergoline family of psychedelic compounds, also called rigidified tryptamines.

The way LSD interacts with the brain is not fully understood from a biochemical standpoint. 

LSD interacts with the brain by mimicking serotonin and binding to a number of its receptors. In doing so, there are cascading effects that influence other neurotransmitter systems, having effects on cognitive function and motor behavior. 

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Start low and go slow—and be sure that you’re in the right set and setting

How To Microdose LSD

The onset of effects from an oral dose of LSD is about 30-45 minutes. Peak effects occur 1-3 hours after oral administration. The duration of effects is dose-dependent: 6-8 hours at low doses and up to 10-12 hours at full/high doses. LSD is quickly distributed from the blood plasma into the body tissues and is ultimately metabolized in the liver.

Experts in this area suggest a few different microdosing

regimens, but we recommend sticking with one of the most popular: Dr. James Fadiman’s system. Fadiman recommends taking a microdose once every three days: Take a microdose on Day 1. Then, do not take a microdose on Day 2 or Day 3. On Day 4, take another microdose. Continue this process for several weeks.

For most people, morning is the best time because the beneficial effects will last throughout the day and then taper off before the evening, thus not interfering with sleep. It’s also helpful to take daily notes in a journal to observe the effects throughout this process and adjust accordingly—or just notice the positive changes.

It’s also important to follow your usual routine while microdosing. The purpose is to enhance your day-to-day existence by integrating microdoses into your routine, so don’t change what you normally do. However, when you try microdosing for the first time, take a day off from work and social commitments. This will give you a chance to notice any unusual effects before microdosing in a more public situation.
While it may seem like you would only feel the effects of the microdose on the days you actually take it, try to observe the effect on the two days between doses, too. Many people perceive increased feelings of flow, creativity, and energy the day after they microdose in addition to the day of microdosing.

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Microdosing every day is not recommended. Because your body produces a tolerance to LSD.

You might see diminishing returns after a few days if they are taken every day. This is why experts suggests leaving a couple of days between each dose. Plus, the fact that positive effects can sometimes be felt many days after a microdose is a good reason to space out your doses.

Macrodosing LSD: The Experience

Many factors contribute to the LSD experience, including dose, mindset, setting, and your body’s personal chemistry. Each individual journey will be unique to the person, time, and place, and there’s no way to predict exactly what will happen. That being said, LSD does induce some common experiences and effects that can help you prepare for your journey.

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Increased sensory perception is a hallmark effect of LSD. This can take the form of an enhanced appreciation for music, or a sharpened sense of smell and taste. Touch also becomes heightened, and many people experience a strong desire to touch soft items as well as other people. Another unique property of LSD as well as other psychedelics is synesthesia, a condition that involves senses merging—you might “taste” music or “hear” colors.

Vivid hallucinations are also a common and profound aspect of an LSD experience. Consisting of often colorful visions, hallucinations are often the highlight of people’s experiences. Auditory hallucinations are also not uncommon.

The psychological effects of LSD can be divided into three main categories: positive, neutral, and negative. At low to moderate dose amounts, it’s more common to have a positive or neutral experience. As the dose size increases, however, so does the possibility of experiencing negative psychological effects. This is why it is important to start low and get to know your dose when macro dosing LSD. Preparing your set and setting are essential to preparing for a good trip.

Positive Effects

*Increase in associative and creative thinking
*Closed and open-eye visuals
*Ego dissolution
*Sense of unity and connectedness to other life forms
*General sense of euphoria
*Life-changing spiritual experiences

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