Two naturally existing plants in the Sinai Peninsula have the same psychoactive components as ones found in the Amazon jungle and are well-known for their mind-altering capabilities. The drugs are usually combined in a drink called ayahuasca. It would just so happen that components required to create this powerful brew are also available in the Near East, with parts of the Acacia tree and the Peganum harmala bush coming together to make an MAOI and DMT concoction – leading to one of the most potent hallucinogenic experiences known to humans. The mix is not technically ayahuasca, but the base molecules are the same.
It is not a far leap to presume that the powerful hallucinogenic experience of these plants – which were treated with reverence and even seen as sacred – would have been used by early holy men to come closer to God. Although there is no direct evidence to show that Moses used such brews, religious preparations outlined in Exodus very closely mimic those used in the ritualistic precursor to ayahuasca use.
“Moses and the Burning Bush” is one of the most well known biblical events where Moses encounters and speaks to Yahweh (God) for the first time. The burning bush was the place where God appeared to Moses and appointed him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into Canaan. A Professor hypothesizes that the whole event of the burning bush might refer to a psychedelic experience from DMT.
The experiences encountered by Moses – seeing fire, altered perceptions of time, serpents, entities whose faces are not visible, seeing sound and hearing colours, and encountering the divine – are all common encounters documented by those who use ayahuasca. Ayahuasca users are also said to have a certain glowing radiance about them post-use, which would account for “shining” seen around Moses.
The reason for entheogen especially DMT to deepen one’s religious belief is that encountering a God-like entity is common. Terrence McKenna, a American ethnobotanist, is well known for his first experience on DMT while working on his study in UC Berkeley in 1960s. He stated that it produces a hallucinogenic experience that can induce a state or feeling that the user is able to communicate with other intelligent-life forms which he coined as “Machine Elves”. Moreover, the loud auditory hallucinations with the visuals commonly makes the user to lead themselves to think that those “entities” are talking at high volume and chattering. These factors, therefore, seems to lead people to gain religious epiphany with the entheogen.
The Bible
- The burning Bush burned without being “Consumed”.
- Thunder, Lighting and the Blaring of a trumped accompanied the deliver of the ten commandments.
- Mose’s skin shone after an encounter with God.
- Mose’s brother Aaron’s rod was transformed into a snake.