WHILE THE PANDEMIC has been devastating for many food and drink establishments, owners have demonstrated admirable creativity in their efforts to uphold the government-mandated social distancing guidelines.
A Cafe is one such establishment. The cafe is asking all customers to wear pool-noodle hats, which effectively separates them from each other while they sip espresso on the sunlit patio. The multi-colored styrofoam noodles attached to beige beach hats stretch in three directions, providing a figurative personal bubble.
“In these difficult times it’s a pleasure to make others smile,” the Cafe owner, told the public. She noted the positive reactions of her customers, who don’t mind running the risk of looking silly or committing what some may consider a crime against fashion.
Many countries are easing restrictions and allowing spaces under 8,600 square feet to go back into business provided that they uphold the social distancing measures that will remain in place for the foreseeable future.
Around the world, business owners are coming up with innovative ideas for adapting to the post-pandemic reality. Some of these include glass booths to help maintain distance between diners and faceb mask that allow you to sip on cocktails.
Some humor for you.
Hempearth Team