HEMPEARTH – The Magical World of Microdosing Psychedelics

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What is Microdosing?

Microdosing is the practice of taking very small doses of a psychoactive substance — usually LSD or magic mushrooms. The dose is too small for it to produce any perceptual changes.

In other words — microdosing won’t make you high.

This comes in contrast to a conventional macro dose — which is a large dose with the goal of producing a psychedelic experience.

Microdoses aren’t used to induce hallucinations or a spiritual experience. Instead, the goal is to improve creativity, boost professional performance, increase concentration, and support deeper and longer-lasting flow-states.

What Are the Benefits of Microdosing?

Here are the main benefits commonly attributed to microdosing:

  1. Increased productivity
  2. Greater access to flow states
  3. More creativity & curiosity
  4. Higher sense of empathy & communication
  5. Improved focus & concentration
  6. Increased self-efficacy
  7. Better emotional wellbeing & connection
  8. More energy & coordination
  9. Greater sense of self-awareness
  10. May reduce addictive behaviors
  11. May help alleviate cluster headaches
  12. Offers protective action on the brain & neurological system
  13. Reduced anxiety levels (especially existencial anxiety at the end-of-life stage)
  14. Better rational awareness & problem solving
Data Driven Guide to Microdosing psychedelics Psychedelic Spotlight

Microdosing Guides: Substance-Based

The general concepts involved with microdosing are the same with every compound — however, each substance has its own unique spin in terms of the dose, benefits you can expect, how to take the dose, and ways to stay safe while using them.

Microdosing Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybin)

Magic mushrooms are the most common substance people use today as a microdose. They’re easy to take and there’s a lot of research on the specific benefits and safety of using this substance .

How it Feels

  • Improved focus & concentration
  • Increased creativity
  • Greater sense of empathy
  • Improved mood

What’s a Typical Microdose For Magic Mushrooms

The usual microdose of magic mushrooms is between 0.2 and 0.5 grams (200 to 500 milligrams).

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Microdosing LSD

LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is, by far, one of the most popular psychedelics in the world.

This psychedelic comes in the form of small squares of blotter paper coated in the liquid LSD. The tabs are placed under the tongue and absorbed through the mucus membranes and microcapillaries in the mouth.

This is the second most popular substance for microdosing. It’s readily available, has a high level of safety, and there’s plenty of research to back up its suggested benefits.

How it Feels

  • Boost in energy and focus
  • Increased clarity of thought
  • Lower appetite
  • Frequent flow-states

What’s a Typical Microdose For LSD

The usual microdose for LSD is between 8 and 12 micrograms.

A standard tab of acid contains between 60 and 100 micrograms each depending on the purity and potency. Acid will degrade if stored incorrectly or for long periods of time.

In general, a microdose is about 1/8th of a tab of acid — so the easiest way to prepare microdoses is to cut a single tab into 8 pieces.

Using a razor blade, cut the tab into quarters, and then cut each quarter in half.

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Microdosing MDMA

MDMA (Methylenedioxymethamphetamine) is an amphetamine-based substance . It’s a stimulant that works primarily through the serotonin receptors in the brain.

MDMA is technically classified as a psychedelic, but its effects are unique from any of the other psychedelics on this list. It activates the same serotonin receptors as magic mushrooms and LSD but with a different focus.

Some people report microdosing MDMA helps them feel more connected with the people around them, elevate their mood, and help alleviate symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and depression.

How it Feels

  • Higher mental and physical energy
  • Better focus and concentration
  • Elevated mood
  • Improved sense of empathy
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How Many Days A Week Should I Take A Microdose?

Microdoses shouldn’t be taken every single day. Just like exercising, it’s important to take rest days.

There are a few philosophies for scheduling when it comes to microdosing:

  1. Dr. Fadiman Standard Microdose Schedule — Dose on day 1, no dose day 2 & 3, repeat
  2. Psychedelic work week — 5 days microdosing, 2 days off, repeat
  3. Alternating weeks — 1 week with dose, 1 week no dose, repeat

There’s a lot of debate in the microdosing community about what the best schedule is. In truth, there’s really no “right” or “wrong” way to do it. What matters is how it feels for you. Everybody is different and will respond in kind.

If you find taking the dose for an entire workweek is too much, add an extra rest day or two, or reduce the dose. These schedules are merely guidelines — it’s up to you to tailor the experience so it works for you.

Even when the substance wears off, there’s some residual effect. After about 2 weeks of microdosing, continue to feel the same benefits even on the rest days.

How Long Should I Continue To Microdose For?

When combined with goal-setting and intention, the effects of a microdose become stronger over long periods of time. It’s best to look at the improvements of microdosing as a long-term, gradual gain. It takes at least 2 weeks to develop new habits, and it can be even longer before you’re able to get into productive flow states on command.

With that said, it’s important to take some breaks from microdosing as well.

Most people will microdose for 6 to 8 weeks consistently, followed by a break of about a month or two.

Blog Psilocybin Microdosing Effects Research and Potential Risks
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