HEMPEARTH – Magic Mushrooms Make You Feel Good

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a cute mushroom monster by midartsx dgiucbm 414w
a cute mushroom monster by midartsx dgiucbm 414w

Psilocybin Creates Positive Change

Psilocin, produced by psilocybin when metabolized in our digestive system, interacts with the amygdala in the brain. The amygdala is key to human awareness and its emotional apparatus. Emotional disorders can result when malfunctioning occurs in the amygdala. Magic mushrooms, and the compounds they provide, can correct this condition.

Magic Mushrooms interact with an “overactive” amygdala, preventing harmful feelings and negative emotions that can override positive feelings. Psilocin intervenes by stimulating serotonin production and reception, causing feelings of well-being and elation.

handful of magic by thecosmicdreamer dgbvpuv 414w 2x transformed

Improving the Way You Think

When the limbic parts of the brain are balanced, consuming magic mushrooms directly change stagnant thinking. The way the brain processes information changes, and the brain finds new connections and pathways. A non-deluded clarity can then allow for more honest and self-aware thought processes.

Many professionals are now microdosing psychedelics like magic mushrooms to improve their performance, think more creatively, and improve their ability to work well with other team members.

mushroom head by superphazed d8ui1y8 375w

Serotonin receptors are gateways to psychedelic meaning

Any explanation of how psychedelics are so good at conjuring meaning should include the brain’s serotonin 2A receptors, small proteins dusted across your central nervous system that play a vital role in cognition. Each contains a small pocket, like a landing zone, where molecules of the correct shape can dock. Per the name, these receptors typically receive serotonin, a neurotransmitter involved in a wide range of functions, from mood to sleep. Psychedelics mimic the structure of serotonin, granting them access to the receptor.

Positive Effects on Mental Health Conditions

The potential for positive effects on mental health conditions is an exciting area of research that has gained momentum in recent years. Studies have shown that psychedelic substances, such as magic mushrooms, are used to treat a variety of mental health issues including depression, anxiety, PTSD, and addiction.

In addition to providing relief from symptoms, psychedelics like magic mushroons also help individuals gain deeper insight into the root causes of their condition and provide them with new perspectives that can lead to lasting change.

The experience of ego dissolution associated with high doses of psychedelics  provide an opportunity for users to confront and process traumatic memories or deeply held beliefs in a safe environment.

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Final thoughts

In conclusion, magic mushrooms makes you feel good due to their active ingredients, psilocybin, and psilocin, which interact with the brain’s serotonin system. The resulting emotional and cognitive effects are influenced by an individual’s mindset and environment.Magic mushrooms, are used to treat a variety of mental health issues including depression, anxiety, PTSD, and addiction.

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