HEMPEARTH – The Five “Levels” of the Psychedelic Experience

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individuals who use psychedelic substances like lsd and v0 VhERKf hGxgmDI13f59E5v2i5Szj1 tMJKSQ1TOfV9s

HEMPEARTH – For decades, psychonauts have used the five Mushroom trip levels to relate their experiences on shrooms. Learn what the levels are and how to get to each one 🚀

One can assume that in the early days of psychedelic use, trippy cave art was how we conveyed our trips to each other.

Since the advent of language and the reemergence of psychedelics into the English-speaking world, we have made some progress in communicating what the heck just happened after the mind-blowing experience of psychedelics .

A system for classifying the intensity, known as the “Five Psychedelic Levels” and created by Graeme Carl.

Below is the original five levels for psilocybin mushroom trips.

Level 1: Threshold

This as a “mild stoning,” with light visuals, such as brighter colors or a slight glow. Other effects include mild euphoria .

Unique perceptions of music might occur, such as a more expansive, captivating, or immersive quality to the sound.

This level would be above a microdose as the effects are fairly noticeable.

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Level 2: Musem Dose

Colors brighten further, and gentle visuals like breathing walls, tracers, or patterns have more movement.

Closed-eye visuals (CEV) are possible but are light. Euphoria, or insight into one’s inner world may become more apparent at this level. Short-term memory might become a bit scrambled, and one becomes easily distracted.

It is suggested that increased creativity is more apparent at this level, suggesting the brain “filters” out less sensory data.

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Level 3: The Oracle

Here the visuals become more striking. The world may look warped or curved, and kaleidoscopic fractals on surfaces or people can occur with greater complexity and movement. CEVs develop more depth and become a 3D, immersive experience.

Emotional content and personal insights may be more meaningful and the mystery of life fascinating. The perception of time changes and dilates.

Movement may become difficult, and bouts of laughter and giggles may become hard to control.

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Level 4: The Abyss

Visuals get intense. Objects may morph into other objects or appear completely alien. Fractals and synesthesia may become disorienting, and CEVs become another world to journey in.

Emotional and philosophical content become strongly amplified, and perhaps feelings become confusing and contradictory. Past experiences may resurface along with profound insights about self and life.

Time can become meaningless; one may have out-of-body experiences or perceive paranormal phenomena like telepathy.

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Level 5: Cosmic Convergence

This is a complete departure from everyday consensus reality. Sense ceases to function normally, and language or movement may be impossible.

This is the level of ego death, oneness with the universe or God, or non-dual state. One may meet other beings, aliens, gods, or ancestors.

Other labels include satori, enlightenment, or peak experience. Time does not exist.

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Here’s a rough guideline to reach each trip level with dried mushrooms:

Level 1 – “Threshold”0.5 – 1 gram
Level 2 – “Musem Dose”1 – 2 grams
Level 3 – “The Oracle”2 – 3 grams
Level 4 – “The Abyss”3 – 5 grams
Level 5 – “The Summit”5+ grams

How Long Do Shroom Trip Levels Last?

A typical shroom trip lasts about 6-8 hours, with the peak of the experience lasting an hour or two. One trip will likely pass through several different levels. For example, levels 1 and 2 for about an hour, perhaps peaking at 3 for another hour or two and slowly going back down through the levels over another few hours.

Whatever level you are in, despite the altered perfection of time, will probably only last a couple of hours.

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