HEMPEARTH – Cannabis Oil (RSO) For Cancer And Other Diseases And How to Use It

Home » HEMPEARTH – Cannabis Oil (RSO) For Cancer And Other Diseases And How to Use It
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What is High THC Cannabis oil?

Cannabis oils are extracts from cannabis plants. Unprocessed, they contain the same 100 or so active ingredients as the plants, but the balance of compounds depends on the specific plants the oil comes from. The two main active substances in cannabis plants are cannabidiol, or CBD, and delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. Oil extracted from hemp plants can contain a lot of CBD which is not effective for cancer, illness or disease as much as you have been told by the media, while oil from high THC resinous plants will contain far more affective compounds.

cancer cell

Cannabis Oil for Pain

While cannabis can be used for ongoing pain treatment in a variety of forms, when pain flares up, you need a powerful option that will work within a short period of time. Smoking a joint or eating an edible might take the edge off in a few minutes or hours, but cannabis oils can provide faster relief due to their efficient method of delivery.

Studies have shown that cannabinoids are ideal for treating inflammatory and neuropathic pain because they function as analgesics. 

Cannabis Oil for Epilepsy and Seizures

Vaporized and inhaled cannabis oils can provide relief from these debilitating conditions within seconds and minutes.

Cannabis Oil syringe for site wider

How to Use Cannabis Oil (Dosage )

Cannabis oils are most often vaporized or ingested orally. Typically, a handheld vaporizer or a “dab rig” are used to bring the oils to a heated temperature that begins to release those cannabinoids, terpenes and other compounds that are contained within the plant. 

Take special care with dosage since cannabis oils are known for their higher concentrations. They are more potent than flower, edibles, or other cannabinoid-containing products. And according to a studies, dabbing cannabis oil delivers significantly more THC than smoking a joint or pipe, so special care should be taken when dabbing.

Dosage will vary depending on:

  • How much you weigh
  • Your body’s endocannabinoid system and body chemistry
  • What you’re trying to treat
  • The type of Cannabis product you’re using
  • The Type of concentration of the product you’re using

Always start with the smallest possible dose and then wait to see how it affects you.


It usually takes the average person about 90 days to ingest the full 60 gram or 60 ml oil treatment. We suggest that people start with three doses per day, about the size of a half a grain of short grained dry rice. The patient should take this dosage every 8 hours, early in the morning, then again in the afternoon and then they should take their final dose of the day, about an hour before bedtime. It should also be noted that as a patient begins to ingest this oil, the patient does not normally feel the oils effects until about an hour after they have taken their dosage, so please be aware of this fact. A beginner’s dose such as we are describing would equal about 1⁄4 of a drop.

After four days at this dosage which should be taken three times a day, most people are then able to increase their doses by doubling the amount of their dosage every four days. By following this simple procedure, many patients have reported that they felt that they had not experienced the high, which this oil can cause. But in truth no two of us are the same and we all have different tolerances, so some will be able to up their dosages more quickly than others. In reality, even if one does become what is commonly referred to as being high this will not harm them in any way, if the oil they are ingesting was produced from the sedative strains of Indica, which we recommend and the resulting oil was produced in the proper way such as our Cannabis Oil. It takes the average person anywhere from 3 to 5 weeks to get to the point where they can ingest 1 gram 1 ml per day. Once they reach this dosage they can continue at this rate until their medical issues are brought under control. This means that after the patient has become accustomed to the oils use, each dose they are ingesting will equal 8 to 9 drops every 8 hours and in many cases, we have seen patients that have had no trouble ingesting even far more. It takes a dosage roughly the size of two grains of short grained dry rice to equal one drop, so once the patient has become accustomed to the oils use they are actually ingesting doses which equal 16 to 18 grains of rice per dose. In some cases we have even seen patients who had no fear of this medication, ingest the full 60 gram treatment in one month and after doing so, many of them were declared to be cancer free.

By using the method which we are describing, it allows your body time to build up a tolerance for this medication slowly and once the patient becomes accustomed to the oils effects, most patients actually report that they enjoy taking it. We all have different tolerances for any medication and your size or body weight has little to do with your tolerance for hemp oil and even children can take the same dosage as adults, with no detrimental effects.


We are not medical doctors, so for any questions regarding the use of Cannabis Oil alongside various
pharmaceuticals please consult a medical doctor who supports the use of medical cannabis and who has
experience with it. Be aware when commencing treatment with Cannabis Oil that it will lower your blood pressure, so if you are currently taking blood pressure medication, it is very likely that you will no longer require its use. Often patient’s will try to continue using their blood pressure medication, but if it is taken along with the oil their combined effect, can bring the patient’s blood pressure down too uncomfortable levels. It’s a good idea for those beginning treatment with the oil, to check their blood pressure often and then reduce their intake of other blood pressure medications as their blood pressure levels reduce. In the event that a patient is already suffering with low blood pressure, we have had reports from people who have this condition and they stated that simply drinking some water when they began to feel uncomfortable did help to some degree. Those who have low blood pressure, may in some cases find it necessary to ingest even smaller doses of this medication and to increase their dosages accordingly. But since this medication really does not present a danger, I think that their bodies will adjust to the oils effects in a short time, after which they should experience little or no difficulty with its use. Diabetics should also be aware that they will usually find that their need for insulin will be reduced and it may even decrease to the point, where they will no longer require its use at all and the same goes for most other pharmaceuticals as well. Diabetics are diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes and no matter what type you suffer from, it is still beneficial to use this oil because not only will it decrease your need for insulin, it will also protect your body from all the other harm this disease can cause.

Also, please be aware that when the patient takes RSO ( Cannabis Oil) many people find if they are using any pharmaceuticals such as steroids / painkillers / morphine it makes horrible side effects when mixed, so many people reduce their medications by half on day one – then reduce and stop the medications over 7 to 14 days – mixing the medications with the oil can produce undesirable side effects– the symptoms / side effects of the medications can be exacerbated. The main conditions / medications we warn about are the heart, blood pressure and diabetes and to closely monitor the levels over 3 months or so.


Many people today are suggesting that patients should be placing the dosage they are ingesting under their tongue, or they should be sticking their dosage to their gums, which is now known as tacking. Although methods such as this can get the medicinal cannabinoids into the patient’s body, we do not agree with these methods because oils can often have a bad taste that can linger in the mouth for quite some time. We feel that by simply placing the dosage in the patient’s mouth, would have benefits for those who have gum infections and problems of this nature, but in most cases we believe that their dosage should just be swallowed. The proper oil is a thick grease like substance, so when you ingest dosages simply put it on your finger and then place it on your teeth, after which we suggest drinking cold water and then use your tongue to remove it from your teeth and then swallow. By using this method, you can usually take dosages without hardly tasting the oil at all and we think that most patients would prefer to do the same, but there are also other simple methods which can be used to avoid the bad taste.

The patient’s dosage can be placed on a small piece of bread and the bread can then be folded over to cover the dosage and then it can be placed in the patient’s mouth and swallowed much like a pill with water. Another good method to avoid the taste, is to place the dosage between two thin slices of fruit such as bananas and then place it in the patient’s mouth so it can be swallowed as well. If the oil is produced properly, often it really does not have an unpleasant taste that will linger, but the simple methods we have described should help patients ingest their dosages more easily. The name of the game, is to simply get the oil into the patient’s body in the easiest and most pleasant way possible, so following the methods I have described should be given serious consideration.


For quite some time now, many people have been showing an interest in using this medication in
suppository form, because they think that by doing so they can avoid becoming high and for some, this
might be somewhat true. We have used this oil in suppository form myself, but when we took quite a
large dose in this manner I cannot say that we did not feel its effects. We actually think that in some
cases using suppositories is a very good idea, since we believe the oil should be placed as close as
possible, to the medical problem which is being treated.

Therefore, for someone who is suffering with something such as prostate or bowel cancer, we believe
that it could be more beneficial for their medical problems, to use the oil in this manner.
But still, we have seen many patients with these same medical disorders, heal themselves by simply
ingesting their dosages by mouth, so I will leave the method you wish to use up to you.
When the oil is used as a suppository, the medicinal cannabinoids this oil contains go directly into the
blood stream by passing the liver.

But for those who are suffering with such things as stomach or liver cancer etc. we believe that it would
be more beneficial to ingest the oil by mouth. If you intend to use suppositories to treat your medical
problems, then the suppositories should contain the same amount of oil, you would normally ingest by
mouth and the dosage should be increased in the same manner.

Suppositories are fairly simple to prepare, but one should be careful about how much oil they contain, so
in the beginning it may take some effort on your part to get the dosage right. Usually drug stores will
supply suppository molds and all you have to do, is use a substance such as shay butter and then apply
heat until it becomes a liquid, at which point you can add the oil and then fill the molds. It’s a good idea to
put the molds after being filled in a refrigerator, to allow the substance they now contain to harden up and
after doing so, the suppositories are then ready for use. In addition, drug stores can usually supply empty
gel caps and the patient’s dosage can be put into the gel caps and then used as a suppository or can be
taken by mouth, the gel cap will then disintegrate leaving the oil where you need it to be placed.

As we stated we do think that suppositories do have their uses, but we find this method to be quite time consuming and one must be careful about the amount of oil being added, so we recommend taking doses by mouth. It should also be mentioned that this oil has many anti-aging qualities and it can also rejuvenate vital organs. So don’t be surprised if the patient who is using it, begins to look a bit younger and any other problems they were having with their kidneys or other vital organs could simply disappear as well. When people are ingesting the oil, we suggest staying within their comfort zone, but the truth is, the faster you take the oil the better your chance of surviving, if you are suffering from a serious condition such as cancer.


At the end of their treatment most people continue taking the oil, but at a much reduced rate. About 1 to 2
grams a month would be a good maintenance dose, just a drop or two at night before bedtime is all that
is generally required to maintain good health. Often we are asked if this oil must be taken with food, but
from our experience it seems to make little difference, so we will leave that for the patient themselves to
decide. We feel that there is little need in most cases for anyone to overdose on the oil, unless they
actually have a life threatening condition such as stage 4 cancer, which is putting their life in danger and
they wish to bring this disease under control more quickly. Even in cases like this, it is usually not
necessary to take overdoses but if one chooses to, then we really have no problem with them taking the
oil in excess. Since in reality, unlike many pharmaceutical medications which our medical systems
supply, an overdose of High THC Cannabis Oil really does not do any harm and cannot bring about your

The main side effect of this medication is sleep and rest, which plays a very important role in the healing
process. Usually, within an hour or so after taking a dose, the oil is telling you to lay down and relax.
Don’t try to fight the oils sleepy effects, just lay down and get comfortable, then allow the oil to give you
the rest and relaxation you require to heal properly. The effects of the oil may cause your mind to wander
a bit and often patients will be somewhat unsteady on their feet when they begin to use this medication.
But as the patient builds up their tolerance, these effects will diminish quickly. Usually within 3 to 4
weeks, the daytime tiredness associated with this treatment after the patient takes their dosage just
fades away, but the patient continues to sleep very well at night.

We also suggest that patients should not try to drive their cars, until they become more accustomed to
the oils effects, after which they are then able to drive safely once more. Once you become used to the
oils effects it does not impair your ability to drive in any way, because unlike alcohol and many
pharmaceuticals, this oil does not impair your motor skills.


The only time we would recommend that people start out with larger doses, would be if their life was
really in danger or to get them off addictive and dangerous pain medications, supplied by the medical
system. When patients begin the oil treatment and they have been using these addictive medications to alleviate
the pain, they usually cut their pain medications in half and they will also probably find that they no longer
require the use of most other pharmaceutical drugs as well. Many dangerous pain medications like hydro
morphine are very addictive in nature and patients, will have a hard time ceasing their use due to the
withdrawal symptoms they will suffer, because they have become badly addicted to these substances.
The oil will allow patients who are ingesting it, to suffer much less withdrawal symptoms from the
medications they were using and it can usually replace the use of these dangerous medications in 2 to 3
weeks and often even less time is required. The object is to ingest enough oil to reduce the pain and to
help the patient, get off these dangerous medications as quickly as possible.

For the most part, pharmaceuticals are little more than toxins anyway and once the patient begins
ingesting the oil, often the presence of these toxic drugs can begin to give them stomach problems. This
is caused because the oil recognizes these chemicals and poisons for what they really are and the oil
wants to expel them from the patient’s body. Once the patient stops ingesting these so- called drugs,
their stomach problems will then just disappear and in most cases they will find that the only medication
they really require is the oil. For those who are suffering from terminal cancer, the oil will either cure their
cancer or in cases where it is too late to affect a cure, the oil will allow them to experience little or no pain and at least then they can die with dignity. Even if a patient has been given only a short time to live by the
doctors, do not think of their situation as being hopeless, for very often the oil is still able to bring them
back to a state of good health. If the cancer cannot be reversed with the use of this oil, it is not unusual for the patient to live on for many month’s longer than expected and during that extra time the oil gives them, they often can experience a very good quality of life.


High THC Cannabis Oil has a very high success rate in the treatment of all forms of cancer and now there is no shortage of testimonials available on the internet, from individuals who have used this oil successfully to do just that. But unfortunately, many people who came to us seeking help, had already been badly damaged from the chemotherapy and radiation treatments the medical system supplied. The damage such treatments can cause have a lasting effect and people who have suffered the effects of such treatments are the hardest to cure. But even those who have suffered all this horrible damage to their bodies, still have a good chance to make a full recovery, if they follow these instructions. When those who have been damaged from these so-called treatments ask for advice, we tell them to ingest 180 grams or 180 ml’s of high quality oil, as quickly as they can and this will give them the best chance to survive. The extra 120 grams or 120 ml’s that we advise them to ingest, is needed to undo all the damage that these horrible treatments have left behind in the patient’s body. Once the patient has become accustomed to the oils use, they should not encounter any problems ingesting 180 grams or 180 ml’s in 5 to 6 months and often they can even accomplish this much more quickly. Medicine today is much more about money than it is about healing and this statement can be proved, by simply looking at the insane treatments that doctors tend to employ, in the treatment of serious conditions such as cancer. Both chemotherapy and radiation are well known to cause cancer, so in reality doctors are giving patients who are suffering from cancer, treatments which will cause the very disease they say they are trying to cure and often these horrible treatments, will help to spread the cancer to other parts of the patient’s body. It is true that these treatments can kill cancer cells, but while they are doing so they often kill the patient as well. Properly produced High THC Cannabis Oil medicine is the greatest natural healer on this planet bar
none. Once you experience what this medication can do, you will come to understand why both history and ourselves call Cannabis Oil a cure all.


Acquire a small quantity of properly produced cannabis oil from us, it will definitely work to treat skin cancer effectively and usually it only takes a few grams of this oil to accomplish the task. Purchase some good high quality, high cannabis oil from Hempearth made from sleepy sedative strains of Indica, in the 80 to 90% THC range. It should also be mentioned that in the treatment of skin cancer, oils produced from Sativa strains can be used effectively as well, since when applied topically the patient does not experience its energizing effects. Apply the oil to the skin cancer and cover it with a bandage, apply fresh oil and a new bandage every 3 or 4 days and the cancer should soon disappear. We always tell people to continue treatment until the cancer is gone, then they should continue to treat the area for about two more weeks just as if the cancer was still there, for this will eliminate any cancer cells which could still remain Doing this will ensure that all the cancer cells are dead and I have never seen a skin cancer return if my instructions are followed. If you’ve had skin cancer for quite some time and the cancer is well established, it may take some time to cure. But usually even in quite severe cases the cancer will disappear in less than three weeks. In an extreme case it may take longer but if so, then just keep up the treatment until it is gone. Many people can cure their skin cancer in no time, but it all depends on your own rate of healing and how deeply embedded the cancer has become. One should also remember that we are not just talking about cancer here, apply this oil to a third degree burn and watch what happens, the burn heals painlessly in a very short time and leaves no scars. When one considers all the suffering that patients in burn units are put through, why is this simple herbal medication not available to burn victims? This is only the tip of the iceberg folks, for the simple truth is, if you have properly produced oils from the cannabis plant at your disposal, you will probably find that it is the most effective medication to treat any medical condition you can name. We do not call properly produced oils from different varieties of this plant, a cure all for no good reason and once the truth about its true healing powers become better known, We’re sure that everything we are telling you now, will become common knowledge.


In our opinion, there is no better medicine to give to an animal. We have treated a few dogs with wonderful results.
It is a known fact that dogs have a much faster metabolism then humans. In many cases dogs heals so rapidly, that you can almost see it happening. If you have the proper oil, we do not know of any treatment that is more effective to treat cancer in dogs or humans and usually dogs can be cured of this dreaded disease in a very short time. Usually dogs only require a few grams of this oil to rid themselves of cancer, so if we were you we would get the dog on the oil as soon as possible. When treating dogs internally with the oil there is very little to be concerned about, for if the oil was produced from strong medicinal strains of Indica they have a very sedative effect and even if you gave a
dog far too much it would simply go to sleep, but once the dog awakened you will find that it has not been harmed. The oil cannot cause harm to the dog even if you were to give the dog far too much, if you have the proper oil all it would do is cause the dog to sleep and when it awakens it will be unharmed. If I were you
we would start the treatment with two drops a day, once in the morning and once in the evening and then
slightly increase the amount the dog is taking every four days until the dog is cured. As for treating the
dog externally, all you have to do is apply the oil and cover it with a bandage and then apply more oil
every three days, we hope this will answer your questions about treating dogs properly.
Dogs love to take the oil, but often cats can be somewhat indifferent so you may encounter some
problems in getting the oil into the cat, so I would just try to mix a small amount of oil in with their food.
Animals heal very quickly when compared to humans and since the oil presents no danger, there is no
need to worry about the oil harming your cat, even if you were to give the animal far too much. We would
start the cat off by giving it two doses a day twelve hours apart and we would give the cat about a half a
drop per dose, then after four days at this dosage it can be raised to one drop per dose. We think you
will find that your cat will respond very quickly to this treatment and don’t be concerned if the animal
sleeps a great deal, for this is the effect the oil is supposed to cause. It usually takes only a small amount of oil to heal a cat and once the animal has ingested one or two grams, we think you will witness
quite a dramatic improvement in the animals overall health.


When patients come to us for oil to treat their cancer, the first thing we told them to do is change
their diets. Try to stay away from animal protein as much as possible, since animal protein can promote
cancer cell growth. Get a juicing machine and start eating as many raw fruits and vegetables as possible,
because plant protein fights the growth of cancer. Stop using sugar and replace its use with natural
sweeteners like raw honey.

Get the patient’s PH up as quickly as possible, cancer likes an acidic environment and when you raise
the body’s PH, it makes it very hard for cancer cells to survive, or to spread to other areas of the body.
There are many simple things that will aid a patient in getting their PH up. I have found that lemon juice,
watermelon and even baking soda, when mixed with water can raise a patients PH quite rapidly. 7.34 – to

Also start eating the seeds from two or three apples every day, this will give you a good daily dose of B17
also known as laetrile. B17 in its own right has a pretty good track record in the treatment of cancer and
there are other natural things, such as wheat grass that you may find of benefit as well.
Many people who have used the oil to treat their cancers did not change a thing, but the oil still worked
its magic and they were healed. But if you have a serious condition like cancer we think that it’s a good
idea to take other natural things that may help the oil eradicate the cancer as well and give you a better
chance to survive. But the most important thing of all is, people have to realize that for the most part,
what the medical system provides does much more harm than good. That is the reason we tell people
who contact us, if they want to survive its best to stay as far away from the medical system as possible.
That is the sad state of affairs, the medical system we have today is in and it will not change until people
who work within this system, finally come to realize that chemicals and poisons do not heal.

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