HEMPEARTH – What to Eat Before, During and After Your Psilocybin Trip

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What to Eat Days or Weeks Before Your Trip

Think of the days and weeks before your psilocybin trip as your body’s tune-up time. It’s kind of like cleaning house before the big event. Some cultures do a preparatory dieta–simple grains and veggies before taking psychedelics. Other traditions, it should be noted, don’t have any pre-trip dietary restrictions. Starting about two weeks out, we suggest eating real food: power-packed foods like fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains. Eat less meat. Drink more water. 

The Basics: Clean, Light, Healthy

When to EatDietary Emphasis
Weeks Leading Up to the JourneyWhole Foods, Hydration, Mindful Eating
During the JourneyFruits
Post-JourneyHydration, Fruits, Easily Digestible Proteins, Comforting Foods

Munching Mid-Journey on Your Psilocybin Trip

One of the cool things about a psilocybin trip is the sensory boost it gives you. Eating can become this amazing exploration of flavors, textures, and smells.

If you’re not too deep in hyperspace or processing trauma from the womb, you might want to start nibbling a couple of hours in. By then, any nausea should have chilled out.

Fruits can be your best friends here. They’re easy on the stomach and offer a refreshing burst of natural sweetness and hydration. 

food fruit wallpaper preview

After the Psilocybin Trip

Refueling afterward with nourishing foods and fluids helps you integrate the experience and step back into the daily dance of life with renewed energy. Go for nutrient-packed foods that are easy on your stomach.

Nutrition TypeExamples
HydrationWater, Herbal Tea, Coconut Water
FruitsBerries, Bananas, Oranges
Easily Digestible ProteinsChicken, Turkey, Tofu, Beans, Lentils, Tempeh
Comforting FoodsSoups, Stews, Porridges

The ‘Just Say No’ List

Before during, and after your trip, there are some food and drink you might want to skip:

Food TypePotential Impact
Heavy, Greasy FoodsDigestive discomfort
Processed FoodsBlood sugar spikes, mood swings
Excessive CaffeineOverstimulation, heightened anxiety
AlcoholDehydration, amplified negative emotions
Dairy ProductsPossible heightened lactose sensitivity

A Symphony of Taste

eye in space 3d illustration sacred geometry mysterious psychedelic relaxation pattern ai generative image free photo 1

Think of your body as the stage for a symphony between psychedelics and the food you eat. When in harmony, the outcome is balance and wellness. 

To conduct this psychedelic symphony, listen to your body’s needs and desires. Your body’s the maestro. Listen to it and you’ll always stay in tune.

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