HEMPEARTH – How To Overcome a Bad Trip

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One thing that scares people from psychedelics and other similar substances is the possibility of a bad trip. From a broader perspective, psychedelic substances truly have the potential to give different experiences. This includes emotional, cognitive, and physical experiences. 

A bad trip or these challenging trips are something people experience. Also, it’s not easy to tell when such an experience will come.

Five Reasons Why People Have a Bad Trip

There are several reasons why people experience bad trips, but here are some of the most common reasons: 

Tripping with the Wrong People

The experience that is gotten from these substances is both internal and personal. However, external influences can also impact the trip you get. 

If you must trip with other people, it’s important to ensure they feel supported, safe, and comfortable. However, tripping with a feeling of insecurity or anxiety because of the people around you makes things worse. This is because the psychedelic substance you are taking will only amplify the feeling. The most important thing when it comes to tripping with other people is trust. 

Tripping in the Wrong Setting

In addition to ensuring that you don’t trip with the wrong people, you’ll also want to make sure that you’re tripping in the right setting. A key term that is often used when it comes to psychedelics is set and setting.

Set is used in describing the mindset you have before the psychedelic experience. Setting on the other hand describes the surrounding environment during the trip. This is mostly the space surrounding you, your level of comfort in the space, and the people around you. 

You might wonder what an ideal setting for a good psychedelic experience is like. It’s simple; you only need to make it a personal one. This is because space may be comfortable for you but not for another person. 

Also, the factors that make a set or setting comfortable may differ with different cultures. For example, some psychonauts only enjoy tripping in a retreat, but others prefer a clinic. The majority prefer to trip in the comfort of their homes. It’s mostly different depending on individual preference. 

Setting High Expectations

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People have different expectations, but you can only know the psychedelic experience as it unfolds. Entering the psychedelic state with strict expectations will only leave you disappointed. You may struggle to deal with what the experience will offer you. 

One key thing that you should always remember is that psychedelic substances inspire differently. However, with substances like psilocybin, you can amplify your desired effects. 

Not Preparing

Another reason why people tend to have bat trips is that many don’t prepare beforehand. Most people tend to overlook preparing for a psychedelic experience, but it’s key for the set and setting. The first thing you should do is take time and think and set a motive before the experience. This will help you get into the psychedelic experience with a positive mindset. 

You need to ask yourself questions to know one of the following: 

  • The answers you’ll get from the psychedelic experience
  • Whether you are prepared to face the challenges that follow
  • If you’re using the experience to escape from a real-life situation
  • The type of feeling the experience will give you

Being able to answer these questions will help you reduce any potential harm. It will also assist you in maintaining focus on your psychological and emotional health during the experience. 

One thing to note is that your lifestyle can also influence the set and setting. You need to be well-nourished and get enough sleep before the trip begins. These are the key factors influencing your well-being and health before and during the journey. 

Not Remembering your Grounding Tools

In general, anxiety, discomfort, and fear are amplified during a bad trip. These feelings can become very intense during this time. When preparing for your trip, it’s important to have grounding tools. This is to serve as a fall-back option during the experience. It may be changing settings, playing music, breathing exercises, or lying down.

There are so many grounding tools options that you can use, and it mostly depends on individual preferences. The overall aim is to find a way to engage yourself mentally while you enjoy the psychedelic experience. 




Since hallucinogens incite a warped sense of reality, discomforting feelings experienced in this altered state may culminate in a bad trip.

  • Time: The feeling of time can undulate from moving swiftly to standing still. This can bring immense discomfort to users who feel like the experience is never ending. If someone has a bad trip, it is helpful to remind them that he or she took a hallucinogenic substance and the effects will not last forever.
  • Paranoia: Feelings can change rapidly when on hallucinogens. Emotions may quickly turn from positive to negative to positive again. If a person on a bad trip cannot be consoled due to their paranoia towards another, it may be beneficial to offer them a calm, quiet space to collect. Be sure to check back in with them from time to time, making sure they are as comfortable as possible.
  • Hallucinations: When tripping, it is common to have visual and auditory hallucinations. Usually, users are aware of this before taking any Psychedelic. But during an uncomfortable trip, it may help to assure them that what is happening is normal and just another part of the experience.


Once a person has taken a hallucinogen, they are basically locked-in for whatever experience comes their way. At least until the effects wear off. If a bad trip occurs, there are ways to turn the experience around. Usually, the most intense moment of an LSD trip occurs one to three hours after consumption. The whole experience can last anywhere from six to ten hours. The individual will most likely have a difficult time sleeping, so the best thing to do is to set up for a pleasant journey from the beginning. Take the time to create a space where the mind can wander in a positive environment.

Don’t drink alcohol. Alcohol has been known to decrease the hallucinogenic effects , but it can increase panic, anxiety and hostility. Avoid situations where these emotions can take place.

Have someone who is compassionate and understanding observe your trip. This person is usually sober and can be a helpful guide for anyone having a difficult time. A trip sitter is also a great way to keep the trip safe overall.

Be prepared to stay well hydrated and keep easy-to-prepare foods on standby. During a trip, it may not occur to you to eat and drink, but that doesn’t mean your body doesn’t need to. Hungry bellies and dry mouths can cause irritation and grump up the mood.



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