HEMPEARTH – Psychedelics And Ego Death

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Mystics and psychonauts describe ego death as a form of transcendence for stimulating insights and personal growth.

Ego death, or ego dissolution, is a term used in psychedelic and mystical communities to describe a temporary state of autobiographical amnesia, a psychological condition where you are fully awake and functional, yet cannot remember any information about yourself, even your name or your gender. Ego death is often described as feeling very light and pleasant, as if the weight of the biographical self had been lifted from the body. Alternately, depending on context, ego death can be extremely disorienting and terrifying.

Ego death is one of the key aspects of a psychedelic mystical experience. Many psychonauts chase this state of consciousness, believing it to offer life-changing, and therapeutic results. Indeed, those who have experienced ego death describe the experience as one of the most profound and meaningful moments in their life.

Ego death is a temporary experience. When it occurs during a psychedelic journey, it will tend to occur at the peak, when the effects of the substance are the most intense.

“Ego death is an opportunity, described in both Eastern and Western philosophies, and is often the “gateway” to ending self-suffering and being reborn.”

What Does Ego Death Feel Like?

Imagine walking into a room and instantly forgetting what you walked in for, and you stand blankly waiting for some piece of information to pop into your mind and solve the puzzle. But then that moment stretches on for minutes, and you still have no clue how you got there, or what you were doing. If you find yourself in a state of temporary amnesia, you may have also forgotten how you came to be there, or how long it might last.

Ego Death Has Been Described in the Following Ways:

  • Losing the sense of current existence to connect with the primordial nature
  • A loss of boundaries between one’s self and the world
  • A complete loss of the sense of self/self-concept/ individuality
  • A state of meaninglessness when users discover that they are mere travelers on this planet
  • A mystical state of Nirvana
  • Being one with your own “soul”

Here’s a Breakdown of the 5 Stages of Ego Death

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Ego Death StageDescription
1. DissolutionThe onset of the experience, where normal awareness and cognition begin to alter. There can be a sense of anxiety or fear as familiar ways of perceiving the world break down.
2. DisorganizationA state of confusion or disorientation as the sense of self begins to dissolve. This can be a challenging stage, and fear or resistance can potentially lead to a negative or even traumatic experience.
3. Ego Death / RebirthThe moment of “ego death” itself, described by some as a profound sense of unity, interconnectedness, or non-dual consciousness. This may be accompanied by intense emotions, visions, or insights.
4. ReintegrationThe return to normal consciousness, where the sense of self re-emerges. There may be a sense of relief, euphoria, or confusion, and the insights or experiences from the ego death stage may be difficult to integrate or understand.
5. IntegrationThe process of incorporating the experiences and insights from the ego death into one’s normal life. This can involve changes in beliefs, values, or behaviors, and may lead to long-term benefits like increased well-being, openness, and empathy.

How Long Does It Last?

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The state of ego death can last as long as a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the dose and type of psychedelic. Ego death is most commonly reported on longer lasting psychedelic like psilocybin and LSD. Short-duration like vaporized DMT may produce an intense state of ego death lasting only a minute or two, dropping the user into a disoriented state with unsettling questions like, “Who am I?” and “What just happened?”

When the state of ego death begins to wane, autobiographical memories may begin pouring back into consciousness, giving the user the experience that their life is “flashing before their eyes,” a trait commonly reported in near death experiences. This experience of metaphorically dying and being reborn is widely considered to be one of the most profound aspects of the psychedelic experience.

What Happens After Ego Death?

Preliminary research suggests that ego death precipitates a sense of self-introspection that leads to self-awareness. The “trip” triggers users to re-evaluate their lives and assume fresh perspectives in dealing with their life difficulties. Those who take the trip can evaluate the actual cause and meaning and make peace with their state. ego death allows to let go of pain and suffering and make peace with the infinite. It will enable them to redefine existence based on the infinite and not the finite. This is the basis of true healing, facing mortality and connecting to the primordial nature.

Changes in the Higher Centers That Happen With Ego Death

Science has shown that psychedelics (LSD) trigger novel neural connections between regions of the brain that generally don’t communicate with one another. Repeated psychedelic experiences reinforce these connections.

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