HEMPEARTH – What is Candy flipping?

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DoubleBlind candy flipping lsd mdma PRIMARY
DoubleBlind candy flipping lsd mdma PRIMARY


“Candy flipping” refers to taking MDMA and LSD simultaneously. It’s a practice that’s been around since at least the 1980s.

The effects offer a combination of the openness and empathy that come along with MDMA, and the psychedelic visuals of LSD. It’s also believed that MDMA reduces the chances of experiencing a “bad trip” from the LSD because of the positive attitude it tends to provide.

Which one is used first?

Traditionally, candyflipping begins with taking LSD and following it with MDMA around 4 hours later.This timeline allows you to feel the peak effects of LSD before adding the feel-good vibes of MDMA.

What Does Candy Flipping Feel Like?

Most people describe candy flipping as similar to a super intense acid trip, with the MDMA providing an increased sensory perception that makes the audio and visual hallucinations from LSD even more pronounced.

Most people describe the experience as glittery. Everything is stunningly beautiful, especially light shows at raves or concerts, landscapes, and other people.


Why Take MDMA & LSD Together?

Most psychedelic users are constantly looking for new experiences. LSD users are often looking for enlightenment and perspective and hope that MDMA’s euphoria and connection can help them see their trips in a different light.

Others take a small amount of MDMA with LSD to reduce the chances of having a “bad trip”, especially when attending a public event or concert that may make them feel anxious.

Psychotherapists often mix these two together for their synergizing actions. LSD smooths the experience of MDMA, and the MDMA makes the user more open to new ideas or revelations and breaks down barriers between the patient and practitioner.

How Long Does Candy Flipping Last?

Candy flipping lasts a long time. The initial effects kick in within about 1 hour, and reach the peak by the 2-hour mark. It lasts anywhere from 6 to 16 hours.

MDMA wears off first, usually around 5 or 6 hours after you take it. LSD lasts much longer, usually up to 10 hours after first taking it. The after-effects can remain even longer. Taking LSD with MDMA will extend the duration as long as 16 hours for some users. The after-effects can remain for a day or more after the hallucinogenic effects wear off.

What’s the Normal Dose for Candy Flipping?

As a less common way to take psychedelics, candy flipping doesn’t have a normal dose. Instead, most users take regular doses of LSD and MDMA, spaced out by a few hours to compensate for their different durations.

To combat this, many people take LSD several hours before taking MDMA so both reach their peak effects simultaneously.

Most MDMA users recommend taking around 100 mg, and a standard dose of LSD is around 50 to 150 micrograms. Some LSD users prefer microdosing, taking as little as one-tenth of a normal dose. LSD is extremely potent, so its effects are noticeable even when taking minuscule amounts.

“Success candy flipping is about taking the right doses, preparing your mindset, and ensuring you’re in a safe, comfortable environment.”

Study Explores Therapeutic Benefits of Candy Flipping

A study published recently  exploring the benefits of combining MDMA and LSD, entitled “Acute effects of MDMA and LSD co-administration in a double-blind placebo-controlled study in healthy participants.”

“There is renewed interest in the use of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in psychiatric research and practice,” researchers wrote. The induction of overall positive acute subjective effects is desired in psychedelic-assisted therapy because positive acute experiences are associated with greater therapeutic long-term benefits. 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) produces marked positive subjective effects and is used recreationally with LSD, known as ‘candyflipping’.” 

A small pool of 24 participants ​​randomly received four different treatment drug combinations: MDMA, LSD, MDMA and LSD combined, or a placebo. The participants who received a combination of LSD and MDMA said they had higher levels of well-being, happiness, and trust during their experience, compared to those who took LSD alone.

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