HEMPEARTH – Microdosing LSD for Workplace Performance

Home » HEMPEARTH – Microdosing LSD for Workplace Performance
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The concept is simple: ingest a tiny dose of a psychedelic like LSD before leaving for work. The reduced doses won’t make for a mind-altering workday; they’ll increase productivity and creativity and reduce anxiety and stress.

A quick Google search turns up over one million hits, demonstrating just how popular the practice has become, especially in the Silicon Valley , they often share the idea that microdosing is a “magic solution” to achieving happiness at work.

Positive effects on productivity and creativity

According to certain testimonials, podcasts and articles, microdosing is an alternative solution to a range of issues from poor concentration to digestive troubles and even decreased productivity. “At work, you feel ready for anything and even enjoy doing everyday tasks.”

According to research conducted by a team of psychiatrists microdosing stimulates the serotonergic system, the neurotransmitter responsible for regulating stress and anxiety levels and enhancing mood. Hence the overall feeling of positivity.

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At work, it can also help your brain make logical connections.  Microdosing helps gain a different perspective with respect to the work. It makes it easier to unpack the complex problems we normally get stuck on. A Microdoser that works in advertising. He described his experience in similar terms, Microdosing allows me to look at certain data differently. My brain makes logical connections that I wasn’t able to see before. Since it connects ideas that I would never normally connect, I become more creative.”

The effects can also extend to those around you. Fadiman suggests that microdosing also makes us more tolerant. During one of his microdosing experiment, a user told him, “Idiots no longer seem so idiotic.” You’ve probably never imagined that LSD could help you face that annoying colleague on the third floor.


It’s really going to improve your focus, your creativity, so your overall total productivity. You’re going to see solutions and opportunity where others don’t see them. It really gives you that nice edge in your career, but also because you’re way more relaxed.

. “You’re mood is way more uplifted and you have a better relationship with others.

Benefits Of Microdosing LSD for Workplace Performance

ceo fired microdosing lsd

Employees have a healthy approach to their mental health; it is understood, valued and its maintenance is viewed as just as important as physical health and akin to going to the gym regularly. Where stigma and shame are gone, and everyone practices proactive self-awareness and self-reflection, not just as damage control and to healing open emotional wounds, but for growth.

Work/life balance is no longer just an aspiration or a buzzword, but a reality for everyone, leaders and employees alike.

People are more tolerant of different, clashing personalities and working styles, and where negative and traumatic experiences and problems are handled with understanding and compassion rather than frustration, defensiveness and shutting down.

People understand how to ‘just beand that the productivity and work achievements are not who we are as beings. Where we all have a greater understanding of how to step outside of ourselves and connect with others and our environment. Where we can tear down the walls of our ego, and embrace a new  sense of self, even if that new self only lasts as long as the dose.

We can break free of negative thought patterns, reduce our negative mind-wandering and relentless barrage of self-criticism and judgement, increase openness to emotions and bring kindness and friendliness to difficult ones.

No longer sleepwalk through our days, but feel more creative, more productive, more able to contribute, and more passionate about collaborating and adding value to our work and organisations.

Working from home does not incur sluggishness, long bouts of procrastination, lack of motivation or anxiety, because we’ve actually figured out a way to make it genuinely offer us the best of both worlds.

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