Home » HEMPEARTH – How To Smoke DMT
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Pick a Quiet, Comfortable Setting

Only vape in safe, comfortable places where you won’t be disturbed. Environments with some indirect sunlight in a safe, natural area can bring about extraordinary visuals. Dimly lit indoor settings, such as a bed or comfy couch with incense burning nearby, are also ideal. Make sure you won’t be distracted in this space by unexpected visits, obligations, or phone calls. If you’re with others, many people find it preferable to maintain an environment of silence to concentrate deeply on the experience. 

Journey With a Trusted Trip Sitter 

It’s common to lose motor control as you embark into the DMT trance, and so take steps to avoid dropping anything hot on yourself or your surroundings. Besides holding space and helping post-trip integration, a trip sitter can help guide the smoking process. Have this person take the hot pipe and lighter from you when you are feeling hyperspace approaching. This is especially crucial if you are dabbing with a superheated nail. If you don’t have someone with you, be sure you have a place close by where you can place your smoking device as you feel the experience enveloping you.

Foster an Open, Accepting Mindset

Foster a mindset of openness, presence, and positivity by meditating before lighting up. Try bringing your awareness into your inner sensations and take some slow, deep breaths to calm your mind and body. Clarifying some intentions for what you want to get out of the experience can go a long way towards an insightful hyperspace journey. For instance, you may want to bring to mind some real-life issues you are seeking to understand. Know you must surrender yourself fully to the spirit molecule. No matter how mysterious or bizarre things get, everything will be okay. Embarking on this consciousness-expanding experience is an act of growth and self-love. 

Prepare Your Pilot Seat

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It’s common to feel cold during parts of the experience, so be sure to dress warm or wrap yourself in blankets. Don’t smoke standing up due to the initial rush of the blastoff. Instead, sit comfortably where you can lie back and surrender to the experience once it comes on. When you’re ready to begin, start with a low dose to master the technique and get a feel for the experience. Revel in this intense and profound exploration of consciousness, and always float downstream no matter what is revealed to you!

Ensure that you have a pleasant and familiar setting. Perhaps play some calming music, and have a blanket or something to snuggle with nearby. Though the experience only lasts around 15 minutes, it is still essential that your setting is conducive to a good trip.

When it comes to dose levels, u can use this guidelines:

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5 – 10 mg will cause a pleasant buzz throughout the body, with little or no visual colors

15 – 25 mg will elicit visualizations, patterns and simple forms

25 – 35 mg will cause the patterns to dissolve into stronger and more distinct images

35 – 60 mg will cause the full-blown effects, and may carry your consciousness to another “universe”

Before taking your first hit, take several deep breaths to slow down your breathing. Then, for each hit, slowly inhale, hold the smoke in for at least 5 seconds, and exhale. Take the next hit immediately. You will feel the effects of each hit almost instantaneously. After your second hit, it may be difficult to continue, so make sure you discuss with your trip sitter beforehand whether you intend to go for a full breakthrough experience. Taking the third hit, immediately after the second, can be a daunting task as you will already be experiencing intense hallucinations —despite having only started smoking less than 10 seconds previously.

If it is your first time (or any other time for that matter) there is no shame in stopping before a full breakthrough experience. Also important to note is that you can start with a small amount and build up to a larger dose the same day, as any tolerance you build up dissipates within half an hour.



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